GOP Infected by "Constitutional Conservative" Virus
A virus has taken hold within the modern conservative movement. No one knows for sure what has caused this plague but many believe it is transmitted through close contact at boisterous tea parties.The...
View ArticleThe Rain in Spain Falls Mainly Because of Gays
The 1956 Broadway classic My Fair Lady tells the story of lowly Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle who embarks on a mission to pass as a proper English lady with the help of professor Henry Higgins, a...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to the 2012 GOP Also-Rans
Dear Republican Also-Rans:It is time to give it up.You will not be the Republican nominee next year. You will never be Commander-In-Chief. You will never deliver a State of Union address. You will...
View ArticleGOP Blinded by Anti-Tax Madness this Halloween
Every year at about this time, I break out my DVD of the 1936 anti-drug propaganda flick Reefer Madness. No it’s not exactly the scariest movie one might choose when getting into the Halloween spirit,...
View ArticleLess Vetting Than the Average Godfather's Pizza Delivery Boy
If you haven’t yet heard, the so-called “liberal media” is out to get Herman Cain.To believe conservatives, members of a “liberal media” cabal began conspiring to take down the former CEO of...
View ArticleReality Check: Republican Losers Did Not Overreach
Conventional wisdom pushers and the beltway chattering class have been scrambling to explain the crushing defeat Republicans suffered in last night's off-year election.To hear them spin it, Republicans...
View ArticleMeet Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential Running Mate
We are just weeks away from the first votes being cast in the race for the Republican presidential nomination – which means it is only a matter of time before Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich,...
View ArticleThe 12 Republican Days of Christmas
This year, the Republican nominating contest has been the gift that keeps on giving. With Christmas and the Iowa Caucuses just around the corner, and since I was not raised by wolves, I know one should...
View ArticleBehind the Scenes Video: Romney Camp Preps for NAACP Speech
As many of you know, Mitt Romney will be addressing the NAACP convention on Wednesday. Seriously.I was curious how his team would prepare for such a speech until I saw this behind the scenes video...
View ArticleRyan's "Youthful Vigor" Won't Slow GOP's Demo Death March
As Mitt Romney announced his Vice Presidential running mate over the weekend, the Beltway chattering class was quick to trumpet the supposed "youthful vigor" Paul Ryan's selection would inject in a...
View ArticleMitt Romney and the Temple of Womb
Republicans today are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging women's -- cover your eyes my right-wing friends -- vaginas.Had I said that word aloud on the floor of the Michigan state legislature, I...
View ArticleFeel the “Excitement” of Tampa in August with Mitt Romney
When I first took the plunge and began a career in politics against the advice of my conservative father, I worked for people like Tennessee’s Lamar! Alexander, former Congressman Jim Nussle, and John...
View ArticleMitt Romney's October Surprise Arrives Early
"A bit of a sugar-high..."That's how Mitt Romney's campaign responded to news this week that a spat of independent national polls have their candidate trailing President Obama by as many as 6 points...
View ArticleDebates Should Probe Romney’s Economic Insanity
President Obama and Mitt Romney may be scheduled for their first of three debates next week, but there is really no debate when it comes to the progress we have made on jobs and how much further along...
View ArticleThe Gay Soccer Dad and Lesbian Costco Mom Vote
The 2012 election may not be decided by gay soccer dads and lesbian Costco moms but their quality of life will be defined by those occupying the White House and Congress in 2013 and beyond.While much...
View ArticleMessage In A Bottle: Romney's Presidency Two Years In
I write this missive in the year 2014 from my small, poorly ventilated office in the Shandong Province of China where my job and millions of others have been outsourced by President Mitt Romney and his...
View ArticleCorporate Vultures Circling the Dead for Profit, Seeking to Change Unclaimed...
Over the weekend, the New York Times published a sprawling, nearly eight thousand-word story detailing for readers the fate of those who die alone in the Big Apple.Using the life and death of George...
View ArticleGOP's Serious 2016 Alternatives Have Serious Problems of Their Own
Once every four years when the Republican Party seeks to nominate a new Presidential standard bearer, GOP base voters latch onto extreme candidates and put their right-wing clown fetish on full...
View ArticleI'm With Stupid: Bathroom Politics and the Rise of Ben Carson
Imagine you are sitting in a focus group of swing-voters designed to assess their opinions of the various Republican candidates running for president in 2016.The moderator reads dryly from a sheet of...
View ArticlePayday Lenders Hoping for a Grand Old Party in 2016
Billed as a “quick cash” solution for life’s unexpected financial emergencies, payday lenders peddle this modern-day snake oil to 12 million hardworking men and women each year. For too many, a cycle...
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